
Abaqus Documentation学习方法

Reading the Abaqus DocumentationAnswer ID 1303 Reading the Abaqus Documentation QuestionLast Updated 11/17/2010 03:38 PMAccess Level Everyone I am a new Abaqus user. Is there a recommended approach to reading the documentation? AnswerThe following reading list is recommended as a 'road map' to learning how to use the Abaqus software suite. It hasbeen adapted from the training program that all Abaqus Customer Support Engineers must complete. For maximumbenefit, it is highly recommended that you complete all included examples and workshop problems. The documentationreferences refer to Version 6.10.ManualAdditional reading and commentsGetting Started with AbaqusThis gives a very good overview to Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit usingAbaqus/CAE. It also teaches the basics of Abaqus/Viewer. On-line Keywordsversions are also available for Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.Chapters 1 through 6 of theAbaqus/CAE User's ManualThese are the \"Getting Started\" sections for Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewerand will allow you to gain basic proficiency.Sections 1.1--1.3, Chapters 2 and 3, Section 4.1 and the beginning of section4.2 (until you reach the output variable identifiers), Sections 4.3, 5.1.1, 6.1,6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, Chapters 7, 18, 30, and 31.Abaqus Analysis User's ManualSections 1-4 discuss the aspects of defining and running an analysis in Abaqus,while the remaining sections provide an overview of the different type ofsimulations that can be done.The remaining documentation items are Lecture Notes used in the seminars offered by SIMULIA. They discuss thefiner points of more advanced topics and can be read as needed. The list shown below is not complete, but isrepresentative of the most common usage of Abaqus. Please see the Seminar Descriptions in the Training section ofthe SIMULIA homepage to see the complete list of the latest lecture notes available.The relevant sections of the Abaqus Analysis User's manual should be read once you have completed a specific set oflecture notes. Some example or benchmark problems are referred to with each set of lecture notes. The list ofexample or benchmark problems is not comprehensive. There are many other example or benchmark problems thatmay be relevant and useful for you to read.Abaqus/CAE: Geometry Import andRead the corresponding sections of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual and alsohttp://simulia.custhelp.com/...g/php/enduser/prnt_adp.php?p_faqid=1303&p_created=1058546196&p_sid=eX13EeIk&p_redirect=&p_li=[4/11/2011 3:22:38 PM]

Reading the Abaqus Documentation

Meshingconsult the web-based Geometry Import and Repair Guide.Flexible Multibody Dynamics withAbaqusAlso read Chapter 27 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Introduction to Abaqus ScriptingAlso consult the Abaqus Scripting Manual and the Abaqus ScriptingCommand Reference.Structural-Acoustic Analysis withAbaqusAlso read Section 6.10 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Tire Modeling using AbaqusAlso read Section 6.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Automotive Powertrain AssemblyAnalysis with AbaqusAdvanced notes based on a number of the other lecture notes as well assignificant original material specific to the powertrain industry.Fracture Mechanics with AbaqusAlso read sections 10.6 and 11.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Analysis of Geotechnical Problemswith AbaqusAlso read Sections 6.8, 19.3, 19.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Lecture NotesAdditional reading and commentsAlso read chapter 24 on Elements in the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Element Selection in Abaqus/StandardBenchmark Problem:2.1.2 Geometrically nonlinear analysis of a cantilever beamThese are basic lectures on metal plasticity.Example Problems: 1.1.7 Notched beam under cyclic loadingMetal Inelasticity in AbaqusBenchmark Problems: 3.2.2 Test of ORNL plasticity theory under biaxial loading3.2.8 Simple proportional and nonproportional cyclic tests3.2.15 Creep of a thick cylinder under internal pressure3.2.17 Stretching of a plate with a holeAlso read Sections 2.3, and Chapters 32 to 35 of the Abaqus Analysis User'sManual.Example Problems:Contact In Abaqus/Standard1.1.1 \"Axisymmetric analysis of bolted pipe flange connections\"http://simulia.custhelp.com/...g/php/enduser/prnt_adp.php?p_faqid=1303&p_created=1058546196&p_sid=eX13EeIk&p_redirect=&p_li=[4/11/2011 3:22:38 PM]

Reading the Abaqus Documentation

1.1.18 \"Self-contact in rubber/foam components: rubber gasket\"1.1.20 \"Axisymmetric analysis of a threaded connection\"1.3.1 \"Upsetting of a cylindrical billet\"1.3.3 \"Stretching of a thin sheet with a hemispherical punch\" Uses information from many of the lecture notes and manuals.Example Problems:1.1.2 Elastic-plastic collapse of a thin-walled elbow under in-planebending and internal pressure1.3.17 Unstable static problem: thermal forming of a metal sheetBenchmark Problems:1.1.6 Snap-through of a shallow, cylindrical roof under a point load1.1.7 Pressurized rubber disc1.1.10 Concrete slump testObtaining a Converged Solution withAbaqusAlso read Sections 9.2.2, 12.2.1, 22.2, 32.4, and 32.5 of the Abaqus AnalysisUser's Manual.Example Problems:Abaqus/Explicit: Advanced Topics1.3.6 Rolling of thick plates1.3.9 Forging with sinusoidal dies2.1.10 Crimp forming with general contact2.1.14 Water sloshing in a baffled tankBenchmark Problems:1.3.9 Pipe whip simulationAlso read sections 6.2.3, 6.2.4, and 11.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User'sManual.Buckling, Postbuckling and CollapseAnalysis with AbaqusExample Problems:1.2.1 Snap-through buckling analysis of circular arches1.2.6 Buckling of an imperfection-sensitive cylindrical shellAlso read section 6.5 and relevant parts of Chapter 25 of the Abaqus AnalysisUser's Manual.Example Problems:Heat Transfer/Thermal Stress Analysiswith Abaqus5.1.1 Thermal-stress analysis of a disc brake5.1.3 Exhaust manifold assemblage5.1.4 Coolant manifold cover gasketed joint7.2.1 Thermal-electrical modeling of an automotive fuseBenchmark Problems:1.6.4 Quenching of an infinite platehttp://simulia.custhelp.com/...g/php/enduser/prnt_adp.php?p_faqid=1303&p_created=1058546196&p_sid=eX13EeIk&p_redirect=&p_li=[4/11/2011 3:22:38 PM]

Reading the Abaqus Documentation

Also read sections 19.5--19.8 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Example Problems:Modeling Rubber and Viscoelasticitywith Abaqus1.1.4 Indentation of an elastomeric foam specimen with a hemisphericalpunch1.1.17 Self-contact in rubber/foam components: jounce bumper3.1.1 Symmetric results transfer for a static tire analysis Benchmark Problems:3.1.2 Transient thermal loading of a viscoelastic slabAlso read sections 19.2.3, and 21.3 25.1.1, 25.1.4, and 26.6 of the AbaqusAnalysis User's Manual.Example Problems:Analysis of Composite Materials withAbaqus1.1.14 Damage and failure of a laminated composite plate1.2.2 Laminated composite shells: buckling of a cylindrical panel with acircular holeBenchmark Problems:1.1.3 Composite shells in cylindrical bendingAlso read section 6.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Example Problems:2.1.2 Detroit Edison pipe whip experiment2.1.5 Tennis racket and ball3.1.3 Subspace-based steady-state dynamic tire analysis9.1.6 Coupled acoustic-structural analysis of a pick-up truckBenchmark Problems:1.3.2 Double cantilever elastic beam under point load1.4.12 Double cantilever subjected to multiple base motionsAlso read sections 6.3.3, 9.2.2 and 12.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User'sManual.Example Problems:Metal Forming with Abaqus1.3.2 Superplastic forming of a rectangular box1.3.7 Axisymmetric forming of a circular cup1.5.1 Springback of two-dimensional draw bendingLinear and Nonlinear Dynamics withAbaqusAlso read sections 10.1, and 10.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.Substructures and Submodeling withAbaqusExample Problems:1.4.2 Contour integrals for a conical crack in a linear elastic infinite halfspace2.2.1 Analysis of a rotating fan using substructures and cyclic symmetryAlso read the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual.Example Problems:http://simulia.custhelp.com/...g/php/enduser/prnt_adp.php?p_faqid=1303&p_created=1058546196&p_sid=eX13EeIk&p_redirect=&p_li=[4/11/2011 3:22:38 PM]

Reading the Abaqus Documentation

Writing User Subroutines with Abaqus1.1.15 Analysis of an automotive boot sealVerification Problems:2.2.8 Transient internal pressure loading of a viscoelastic cylinderhttp://simulia.custhelp.com/...g/php/enduser/prnt_adp.php?p_faqid=1303&p_created=1058546196&p_sid=eX13EeIk&p_redirect=&p_li=[4/11/2011 3:22:38 PM]
