她的名字叫做玛丽,在她很小的时候,她搬到了一个新的居住地,由于孤独,她选择了鸟类成为她的朋友.从那以后,在每天早上,拿着望远镜观察鸟儿便成了她的日常活动。随着时间的流逝,她甚至能熟练地辨别不同类型的鸟。她的母亲,更是为她感到高兴,并给予她努力向这方面发展。 但是,学无止境,玛丽每天依旧会看到许多不知名的鸟儿.因此,她学的更加刻苦.
The Bird Girl is a story about a girl ,whose name was Mary Lou Robertson got along well with the birds and finally became a bird expert.When Mary Lou Robertson was a little girl, her family moved to a new neighborhood.Due to the void after her moving,she chose to be a friend of the birds when the loneness struck her.From the day when she made such decision ,it was her routine that she observed the bird s every morning.As time went by,she could even tell the difference between the different kinds of birds expertly. Her mother was so happy that she decided to support her daughter to carry on deeper study.However,there is no end of Mary’s study for there were still a lot of nameless birds found by her every day,as the consequence of which,she studied harder on the birds and began to write books about the birds for children.The study on the birds was not only one of Mary’s interests,but also part of her life,and the birds,in return, gave her a colorful majestic painting of the world .