

2020-12-27 来源:汇智旅游网
【 导语】世上的事,只要肯⽤⼼去学,没有⼀件是太晚的。你只要记住你的今天⽐昨天进步了⼀点,那么你离你的梦想也就更近了⼀步。以下为“2020年12⽉⼤学英语六级翻译解析”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!


  “泥⼈张”是中国北⽅流传的⼀种民间彩塑,深得当地百姓喜爱。它创始于清代(the Qing Dynasty)末年,⾄今已有180多年的历史。“泥⼈张”的创始⼈叫张明⼭,⽣于天津,家境贫寒,从⼩跟⽗亲以捏泥⼈(clayfigure)为业。张明⼭的泥⼈,有民间故事中的⼈物,也有⼩说、戏曲中的⾓⾊,有现实⽣活中的劳动⼈民,有正⾯⼈物,还有反⾯⼈物。因此,他的作品具有浓厚的趣味性。


  The “Clay Figure Zhang”

  The “Clay Figure Zhang” is a kind of folk painted sculpture which is popular in NorthernChina, and deeply appreciatedby local people. Its appearance can be dated back to late QingDynasty, having a history of more than 180 years until now.The “Clay Figure Zhang” wasfounded by Zhang Mingshan, who was born in Tianjin. He had been living his life by

makingclay figures with his father since childhood because of the poverty of his family. Zhang's clayfigures are based on thefigures in folk stories together with characters in novels andtraditional Chinese operas and working people in real life. Thosefigures can be positive ornegative. Therefore, his works are of great interestingness.

  1.民间彩塑:翻译为 folk painted sculpture。folk 意为“民间的”;painted sculpture意为“彩塑”。

  2.家境贫寒:即家庭贫困,可译为poverty of one's family或poor family。

  3.戏曲:此处虽未具体点明是哪个戏曲,但讲的肯定是中国戏曲,故译为 traditional Chinese operas。

  4.劳动⼈民:翻译为working people,不要⽣硬地译为labour people。

  5.具有浓厚的趣味性:翻译为be of great interestingness。【篇⼆】2020年12⽉⼤学英语六级翻译解析

  秋千(swing)的起源可以追溯到上古时代。爬树或跨越溪流的⼯具就是秋千的雏形(embryonic form)。从汉朝开始,荡秋千逐渐成为⼀种在清明节(the Tomb-sweeping Day)和其他⼀些节⽇时进⾏的民间活动。秋千是⼀种游戏⽤具, ⽽荡秋千是⼀种运动。荡秋千的⼈可以坐在或站在由⼀个架⼦上的两条长绳⼦ 吊起来的、类似⼀块踏板之类的东西上来回摆动。荡秋千有很多形式,⽐如说单⼈荡、双⼈荡等。


  The Swing

  The origin of swing can be traced back to the antiquity. Those tools for climbing trees or crossing streams are theembryonic forms of swing. Since the Han Dynasty, swinging has gradually become a folk activity performed on the Tomb-sweeping Day and some other festivals. Swing is a kind of game utensil while swinging is a sport. The player may sit orstand on something like a pedal which is hung by two long ropes on a frame and swing back and forth. Swinging can becategorized into many forms, such as the single swing, double swing and so on.

  1.可以追溯到:应译为...can be traced back to,此处采⽤的是被动语态。


  3.⼀种游戏⽤具:可译为a kind of game utensils。utensil为名词,意为“⽤ 具,器⽫”。

  4.民间活动:可译为folk activity。folk为形容词,意为“民间的”。

  5.荡秋千有很多形式:可译为swinging can be categorized into many forms。categorize为动词,意为“把…分类”。【篇三】2020年12⽉⼤学英语六级翻译解析

  中国杂技(acrobatics)是⼀门结合了⾝体⼒量和技巧的表演艺术。它是中国⼈欢迎的艺术形式之⼀。杂技在中国已经存在了两千多年。早在战国时期(the Warring States Period)就已经出现了杂技的雏形(embryonic form )。到了汉代,杂技或“百戏”进⼀步丰富了其内容和种类。古往今来,杂技表演融⼊了许多不同的表演艺术,例如传统戏剧、舞蹈和武术(martial art)的优点,作为回报,它也为后者提供了灵感。


  The Chinese Acrobatics

  The Chinese acrobatics is a performing art whichcombines physical strength and skills. It is one of themost popular artforms welcomed by the Chinesepeople. The acrobatic art has existed in China formore than two thousand years. As early asthe Warring States Period, there appearedembryonic form of acrobatics. By the time of the Han Dynasty, the acrobatic art or“Baixi” wasfurther enriched both in contents and varieties. Acrobatic performances through the ages haveincorporated strongpoints of many different performing arts such as traditional operas, danceand martial art, and provided the latter withinspiration in return.

  1.表演艺术:翻译为performing art。performing为形容词,意为“表演的,关于表演的”。

  2.在中国已经存在了两千多年:翻译为has existed in Chinafor more than two thousand years。注意此处需采⽤现在完成时,表⽰句⼦中说到的“存在”是⼀种在过去已经开始并且持续到现在的状态。

  3.古往今来:翻译为through the ages,为常⽤表达。


  5.作为回报:翻译为in return,为常⽤表达。
