

2023-09-20 来源:汇智旅游网

1. 就我所知,教育对一个社会的发展起着决定性的作用。

To the best of my knowledge, education plays a decisive role in the development of society. 2. 无论发生什么,你都应该继续努力学习,考取理想的大学。

No matter what happens, you should work hard to get admitted by an ideal university. 3. 虽然当前的经济危机很严重,但是各国政府理应竭尽所能帮助人们摆危机随带来的负面影响。

Despite the seriousness of the current financial crisis, each government is supposed to do their job in order to help people out of the negative effect caused by the crisis.

4. 我们没有想到的是,他曾经因为被当场抓住偷窃而被判刑3年。It never occurs to us that he used to be caught stealing and was sentenced to three-year in prison.

5. 如果可以选择的话, 我宁愿在全国英语演讲比赛中失败的那个人是我,而不是你。 If I were able to choose, I would rather it is me, rather than you, that failed in the national English contest.

6. 改善人民生活水平是一个国家最根本,最重要的任务。

Improving people’s living standard is the most fundamental and important task for a country.

7. 既然已经选择了出国留学这条路,就没有什么好抱怨的。

Since you have chosen to study abroad, there is no use complaining. 8. 我无法容忍的是他竟然当着我面把这份珍贵的信撕了个粉碎。

What I could not tolerate was that he tore the letter into pieces in the presence of me. 9. 在当今社会,人们越来越依靠电脑处理各种复杂的问题。

In the present-day society, people depend more and more on computers to solve various complicated problems.

10. 作为大学生,你本应该在校园里面用功读书,而不是去外面打工,因为这将对你的学习带来许多不好的影响。

As a college student, you are supposed to study hard on campus, instead of taking a part-time job, which would bring lots of negative influence to your study.

11. 无论如何,你都不能放弃你正在做的项目, 因为这对于整个人类来说都有着不同寻常的意义。

At any rate, you should not give up the project you are working on, which would bring extraordinary value to human being.

12. 每当我感到沮丧的时候,我都会想起这首让我恢复信心的歌曲。

Every time when I feel frustrated, I will think of the song that help build up my confidence, 13. 正如这位伟大的作家指出的那样,勤奋是成功的关键。 As the great writer points out, diligence is the key to success. 14. 俗话说的好,熟能生巧,英语学习也是如此。

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, which is true of English learning.

15. 根据最新的调查,大约86%的年轻人承认比起上街购物,他们更青睐于网络购物。According to therecent survey, about 86% young people admit to prefer online shopping to regular shopping in the streets.

16. 我们所取得的结果都来自于不懈的努力和良好的心态。

All that we have achieved comes from our hard work and good state of mind.

17. 当一次次被拒绝的时候,求职者往往感到失望,并把责任归于社会。

When turned down again and again, those job applicants tend to feel disappointed and thus attribute the blame to the society.

18. 在所有被大学录取的学生当中,他是我所见过的最优秀、最有前途的一位。

Among all the students accepted by colleges, he is the most brilliant and promising that I have ever seen.

19. 一些人说,运动有助于减肥,然而,我认为,事实并非如此。

Some people hold that doing exercises help to lose weight. I am of the opinion that it is not necessarily the case however.

20. 众所周知,没有什么比健康和快乐更为重要的事情了。

It is well-known that nothing is happier and more important than keeping healthy. 21. 虽然我坚持服用这种药物,但其效果似乎并不像广告中宣称的那样。

Although I keep taking this medicine, the effect fails to live up to what is claimed in the advertisement.

22. 新的设计应该是地震频发的城市更加安全。

The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.

23. 给我们留下深刻印象的是,即使是那些被告之严重病情的人也很乐观。

We are most impressed by the fact that even those patients who are told of their serious illness are quite optimistic.

24. 结果,许多人不愿意尝试,而这些尝试恰恰就是幸福的源泉。

As a result, many people avoided the very attempts that ate the source of true happiness. 25. 据估计,对此问题实际上还没有进行过科学实验。

It is estimated that no scientific experiments have yet been made on the question. 26. 男人们很聪明,他们不会上时装设计师的当。

Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. 27. 中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。

It is reasonable that the Chinese seemed proud of their economic achievements. 28. 学生家长们普遍认为学校不再对教单词感兴趣。

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in teaching spelling.

29. 上周洛杉矶发生了强烈地震,造成了严重的财产损失。

A serious earthquake took place in Los Angeles last week which caused heavy losses of property.

30. 他们匆匆得出结论,我们从香港搭乘的飞机都是从上海起飞的

They jumped to the conclusion that all the flights we take in HongKong take off from Shanghai.
