English: In the animated film \"Coco\young boy named Miguel dreams of becoming a musician despite his family's generations-old ban on music. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead. After meeting a charming trickster named Hector, the two embark on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel's family history. Along the way, Miguel discovers the
importance of family, tradition, and following one's dreams. The film beautifully captures the rich culture and traditions of Mexico, while also delivering a heartwarming and emotional story about love and connection that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Translated content: 在动画电影《寻梦环游记》中,一个名叫米格尔的年轻男孩梦想成为音乐家,尽管他的家族世世代代禁止音乐。为了证明自己的才华,米格尔发现自己来到了令人惊叹和色彩丰富的亡灵之地。在与一个迷人的骗子赫克托尔相遇后,两人展开了一场非凡的旅程,揭开了米格尔家族历史背后的真相。在这个过程中,米格尔发现了家庭、传统以及追随梦想的重要性。这部电影精彩地展现了墨西哥丰富的文化和传统,同时也传达了一个关于爱和联系的感人而情感丰富的故事,引起了各个年龄层观众的共鸣。