

2022-01-26 来源:汇智旅游网


关于”有关帮助家庭贫困的孩子上学“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About helping children from poor families go to school。以下是关于有关帮助家庭贫困的孩子上学的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About helping children from poor families go to school

If a student doesn't have enough money to go to university, their parents can find their friends and relatives to see if they can borrow some money. When the students graduate, they can repay the money to relieve their parents' pressure. Students can apply for scholarships or find a job.

In college, children should not rely on their parents to provide everything for them They should also choose a popular major to find a good job. 中文翻译:



Wang Yue is a middle school student. She always wants to help those poor rural students. She has done a lot of things, such as donating pocket money, sending books and clothes to those poor students.

However, she is not enough, especially when she thinks of their difficulties, she tries her best to help the poor students. 中文翻译:



The following table shows that the poverty rate of the elderly of different types of poor families in Australia is much lower than that of those without poverty 13ingeneral, the elderly living in poverty are the least likely to be poor in Australia. The poverty level of single elderly and elderly couples is respectively slightly higher than that of single parents living in poverty, while the parents living with their partners are classified as poor People, the same can be seen in people without children: Although single people in this group live below the poverty line, the number of couples is much lower, only in words and only in bands. 中文翻译:

