

2023-08-02 来源:汇智旅游网


英语跟我学 2008-03-29 16:18 阅读1611 评论6 字号: 大 中 小

· Topic:Something about the birthday

Hint: When is your birthday?

Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents' birthday?

How did you celebrate the birthday for them?

You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? · 今日话题: Secret love

Were you a secret admirer for someone?

How was your feeling?

How do you think about secret love?

What is real love in your opinion? · 今日话题: 写博客

Do you have your own blog?

How do you think about writing the blog?

What kind of content would you like to write in your blog?

Do you think people should write private things in the blog? · 今日话题:减压

Do you have pressure for life and work?

Do you often feel upset or disappointed?

How will you release your pressure?

What is the best way to release our pressure? · 今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日

Do you often celebrate your birthday?

How do you celebrate your birthday?

Have you ever received some special birthday present?

Did you have a unforgettable birthday celebration?

· 今日话题: Go dutch

When friends go out together, should they go dutch?

How do you think about a couple go dutch for everything?

Do you think ladies should be independent in finance? · 今日话题: 抽烟喝酒

Do you like smoking?

Do you like drinking?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?

Why do so many people like it so much? · 今日话题: Education

How do you think about Chinese education?

What are the advantages of Chinese education?

What are the disadvantages of Chinese education?

What are the differences between Chinese education and foreign education? · 今日话题:Housework

Do you often do housework at home?

Do you think all the housework should be done by ladies?

Should the man do some housework?

· 今日话题:The love between student and teacher

How do you think about the love between student and teacher?

Have you heard of this kind of affair?

Is it right for a teacher to fall in love with a student? · 今日话题: Collection

Do you collect anything?

What do you collect?

Why do you like to collect it?

What do other people like to collect?

· 今日话题: Beauty salon

Do you often go to the beauty salon?

Do you think Beauty salon can make people more beautiful?

What kind of people often go to the beauty salon

· 今日话题:Must a family have a child?

Did you marry?

Do you have a child?

Do you think a family must have a child? Why?

How is a family which has no child? · 今日话题:出国

Do you want to go abroad?

Which country would you like to go?

Do you think it is useful for you? why?

· 今日话题: 好朋友多年后的重逢

Do you have some friends that you haven't met for a long time?

Is he or she a very good friend of you?

Did you meet some friends that you haven't seen each other for ages?

How do you feel when you meet them again? · 今日话题: 移民

Do you want to immigrate to some other foreign countries?

Why do you want to immigrate to other countries?

Which country would you like to go?

Why do some many people want to immigrate? · 今日话题: Chinese New year

What is your plan for Chinese New year?

How many days holidays do you have?

Who would you like to spend this time with? · 今日话题: An interesting trip

Do you like travelling?

Where is the place that you think most interesting?

Where have you been to ?

Was that trip intesting? Why?

· 今日话题: Being late

Have you ever been late?

When and for what event were you late?

How do you think about someone who is always late?

Is punctuality important?

What are some of the excuses that people always use for being late? · 今日话题: Small business

What kinds of small business are popular in China?

Why do some people open their own business?

What quanlities does a samll business owner need to have?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of small business

compared to large companies? · 今日话题: Leader

Do you want to be a leader?

What is the quanlities that a leader should have ?

Why don't someone want to be a leader?

Why do we need a leader?

· 今日话题: Christmas Eve

How will you spend Christmas Eve?

Will you go to the center of the city to relax?

Would you like to spend this kind of festival with a lot of people?

· 今日话题: Belief

What is your belief?

When you meet some difficulties, what make you strong?

Have you ever doubted your own ability? · 今日话题: 圣诞节

How do you want to celebrate the incoming Christmas?

How did you celebrate the Christmas when you were at school?

Why is Christmas so popular in China?

· 今日话题: An important change in your life

What was the important change in your life?

When was that?

What happend at that time?

What is the effect of that change? · 今日话题: Relax

How do people around you relax?

What are the differences in ways of relaxing between men and women?

What are the differences between pressures people have now and that people have 50 yeas ago?

What do you think is the importance of relaxing? · 今日话题: 我喜欢的一首经典老歌

Do you still remember some old songs?

Why do you like it ?

What can you remember when you listen to it again? · 今日话题: On sale

Have you bought some products on sale?

Do you like to buy something on sale?

How do you think of the quanlity of products on sale? · 今日话题: 一年的总结

How do you think about your life in this year?

How do you think about your work in this year?

Did you fulfill all of your plan in this year?

What is your plan for next year?

· 今日话题: 您最愿意听取谁的建议?

Do you often listen to other people's advice?

Do you often follow your parents' advice?

Do you often ask advice from parents or friends?

Can children give parents advice · 今日话题:城乡差异

What are the differences between the city and village?

What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Would you like to live in the city or the village? · 今日话题: 免费的使用装

Have you met someone who tried to recommend some products to you for free?

Did you accept it ?

How did you feel anout it ?

Do you think it is a good way to promote some products?

· 今日话题:南北差异

Do you notice the differences between the north and the south?

What are the differences?

What is the reason for the differences? · 今日话题: 英语学习

How to learn english well ?

Do you like studying english?

What is your disadvantage in learning english?

What is the advantage to learn a foreign language well? · 今日话题: 节日

Which is the festival you like most?

When is that ?

What will you do during this festival?

Is the festival nowadays the same with 20 years ago?

· 今日话题: 电影明星

Who is the movie star that you like most ?

How did you know him or her?

Which movie that he or she acted do you like best?

Do you think the movie star influnces our real life? · 今日话题: 跨国恋情

Are there a lot of international love around you?

How do you think about international love?

Can you accept a foreigner to be your wife or husband?

What are the difficulties the international love must overcome? · 今日话题: Family violence

How do you think about family violence?

Have you seen someone who suffered from family violence?

What is the reason from family violence?

· 今日话题:Is make-up important for ladies?

Do you think make-up is important for ladies?

Do the ladies around you make up ?

How are their make-up skill?

Do you think they look better after making up ?

What kind of ladies are most charming to you · 今日话题: 麦当劳和肯德基

Do you like McDonald and KFC?

Do you often go there?

Why are they so famous in China? · 今日话题: 自信

Are you very confident?

Do you think confidence is very important?

How will people become confident? · 今日话题: 承诺

Do you easily make a promise to others?

Do you often keep your promise?

Is it very important for us to keep our promise? Why?

· 今日话题: The advantages and disadvantages of high technology

What are the advantages of the high technology?

What did the high technology bring to us?

What are the disadvantages of the high technology?

How should we make use of the high technology? · 今日话题: Piratic products

Have you ever used the piratic products?

Is it very popular?

Why is it so popular?

Do you think it is good or bad for China? Why?

· 今日话题: 您喜欢在什么样的公司工作?

What kind of company would you like to work for?

Do you like your present job?

Why do you like to work in this company?

What kind of boss would you like to work for?

· 今日话题: Good advice is harsh to the ears?

Do you agree with this idea that good advice is harsh to the ears?

Have you ever receieved any advice from some of your friends which was very useful for you?

What was the advice?

Why was it useful for you?

Do you often give others advice? · 今日话题: 绰号

Did you have any nickname?

What does it mean?

How did you get this nickname?

Did you feel unhappy when someone call you by your nickname? · 今日话题:城乡差异

Did you notice the difference between the city and the village?

What are the differences?

Would you like to live in the city or the village? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? · 今日话题: 校园自杀事件

How do you think some students commited suicide in the school?

What is the reason for that?

How do you feel about it ?

Should the school be responsible for that? · 今日话题: 生日

Do you remember your parents' birthday?

How do you celebrate it ?

What is the best gift for parents? · 今日话题: 电影院

Do you often go the the cinema?

Would you like to see a film at home or in the cinema?

What is the difference?

Would you like to see a film alone or with other people? · 今日话题:Are you a persistent person?

Are you a persistent person?

Do you often make up your mind to do something but always fail?

What is the reason for that ?

How to solve this problem?

· 今日话题: which bank do you like best ?

Which bank do you like best ?

Why do you like this bank?

What is the advantage and disadvantage of the banks in China?

How to solve this problem?

· 今日话题: What does beauty mean to you ?

What does beauty mean to you ?

Do you care a lot about your image?

Do you think people will benefit from the beautiful image?

Is there any disadvantage?

· 今日话题: 制服( uniform)

Did you have some school uniform when you were at school?

How do you feel about it ?

Do you have some company uniform now?

What is the advantage and disadvantage of the uniform? · 今日话题: 被骗的经历

Have you ever been cheated?

When was that ? For what?

How did you feel about it ?

What did you learn from it ?

· 今日话题: 照相

Do you like taking photos?

Why do people like taking photos?

What kind of photos would you like to take?

Do you like keeping the photos? Why? · 今日话题:Independence

Are you very independent?

Why do you think you are independent or dependent?

When you meet some difficulties, who will you turn to?

What is the benefit of being independent?

· 今日话题: 你很在意别人的想法吗?

Do you care a lot about other people's idea?

Do you think it is good or bad?

Do you often feel jealous about other's achievement?

Is that good or bad?

· 今日话题:彩票

Did you buy any lottery before?

Did you win anything?

Do you want to win five million lottery?

If you really win it, do you think it is good or bad?

· 今日话题: 你耳熟能详的格言警句或一句话

What is the motto that you are very familliar with?

When did you hear it for the first time?

How do you feel about it ?

Does it influence it ?

· 今日话题:积极乐观的生活

Are you optimistic or passive?

Which one is better in your opinion? why?

Are you optimistic or passive when you meet some difficulties?

· 今日话题: 最后悔的一件事

Do you regret for something you did in the past?

What was that ?

Why did you feel regret?

If you could choose again, what will you do ? · 今日话题: 最后悔的一件事

Do you regret for something you did in the past?

What was that ?

Why did you feel regret?

If you could choose again, what will you do ? · 今日话题: 宠物

Do you have pets at home?

What pets do you like best?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets? · 今日话题: 与异性相处之道

How to get long well with the opposite sex?

What was your parents' education for that?

Have you ever taken any opposite sex friends back home?

How did you parents react to it ?

· 今日话题: 什么是成熟?

What is maturity in your opinion?

When did you realize that you became mature?

Does maturity relate with age?

· 今日话题: 大学生兼职的利弊

How do you think of the college students doing part-time jobs?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Did you do some part-time jobs when you were in college?

How do you think about your experience of doing it ? · 今日话题:

The advantages and disadvantages of \"one family, one child\" policy.

How do you think about the \"one family, one child\" policy?

What are the advantages?

What are the disadvantages?

· 今日话题:究竟什么是真爱

What do you think the real love means?

Which one is happier, to love or to be loved?

What is the real happiness?

Have you ever felt moved for someone's behavior? · 今日话题: 逃学的经历

Have you ever escaped from school?

When was that ?

What was the reason for that?

How did you feel about it ?

· 今日话题: 对你影响最深的一位老师.

Who is the teacher that influenced you most?

What kind of person is she?

What did you learn from her?

What makes a good teacher?

Why does someone want to be a life long teacher? · 今日话题: 你记得你父母的生日吗?

Do you remember when is your parents' birthday?

How will you celebrate it ?

What is the best present for parents? · 今日话题:中外差异

Did you notice the differences between China and foreign country?

What are the differences?

How do you feel about it ?

· 今日话题: 环保

How do you think about the envirnment around you ?

Is the envirnment polluted?

What is the reason for the pollution?

How to solve this problem? · 今日话题:追星

Are you the fans of some movie star or singer?

Who is that ?

Why do you like them ?

Are you crazy about them?

How about some friends around you ? · 今日话题: 短信骚扰.

Have you ever received some strange message?

What is the content of the message?

How did you feel about it?

How did you react to it ?

· 今日话题:why are MP3 and MP4 so popular?

Do you have a MP3 or MP4 ?

When do you use it ?

How do you use it ?

Why are MP3 and MP4 so popular?

· 今日话题: 丢东西和被偷的经历

Have you have been stolen?

What did you lose ?

How did you feel at that time ?

How to prevent this kind of things happen again? · 今日话题:近朱者赤,近墨者黑?

Do you agree that people will be influenced by the people around them?

What kind of person would you like to be with ?

What kind of person is difficult to be with?

What kind of person is very charming? Why?

· 今日话题:Describe the most unforgettable success in your life.

What it is

How you made it

Why it is important

· 今日话题:投资股票与基金 How do you manage your money?

Did you invest in stock or fund?

How do you think about stock and fund?

Would you like to earn extra money by this way? ·

1. An all-directional opening-up pattern has, by and large, taken shape in China and its open economy has grown rapidly.


2. It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-range opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth.


3. It will more effectively implement the strategy of diversifying market and expanding trade on the strength of quality and through science and technology.



4. It will explore various ways to put foreign capital to better use, such as acquisition, merging, investment fund and equity investment.



5. China will work hard on e-commerce, accelerate the process of informatization, and support enterprises in carrying out international

cooperation and exchanges by using modern information network technology.



6. China is making strategic readjustment to its economic structure and speeding up the readjustment of its industrial set up, regional structure, urban and rural structure and ownership composition.


1. While developing its economy, China will handle properly the relationship among the population, natural resources and the environment.


2. The Chinese government pays great attention to environmental problems arising from China's population growth and economic development.


3. China relies on improving supervision, management and technological progress to promote environmental protection.



4. Land, arable land in particular, should be used reasonably and economically. Strong measures will be taken to strengthen the building of the urban environmental infrastructure, regulate industrial structure and lay-out, shun the unpromising way of \"pollution first, treatment afterwards\prevention and control of the pollution in major river valleys to ensure the security of the drinking water of the inhabitants.



5. Measures should be taken to stop predatory development, and return to lakes, forests and grasslands what has been taken from them, vigorously plant trees and grass, treat soil erosion, prevent and control desertification, establish ecological agriculture, strengthen the protection of natural resources such as arable land, water, forest, grassland and biological species, and the conservation of bio-diversity.



6. To economize on water, land, power, raw materials, grains and other resources.


7. To endeavor to obtain high socio-economic benefits and a well-preserved environment with less investment and less consumption of resources.


练习口语要有合适的话题,那么有什么话题适合中学生谈论呢? 下面结合学生课本所学,列举了本校英语角话题。

日期 话题 七年级 10.18. Make friends, introduce yourself 10.25. Introduce your friends to others,talk about your family 11.1. What's your hobby 11.8. Birthday, your age, food you like 11.15. Personal ability: can personal collection: have 11.22. Daily routines 11.29. Your favorite subjects 12.6. What's you’re your plan for holiday 12.13. Weekends 12.20. How do you study English. 日期 话题 八年级

10.22. How to keep healthy and hwo often you do things. 10.29. See a doctor, give advice 11.5. Talk about future plans: be V-ing 11.12. Talk about how to get to places 11.19. Make accept and decline invietations, talk bout obligations 11.26. Tald about personal traits, compare people. 12.3. Describe a process, follow instructions 12.10. Talk about events in the past. Talk about famouts people. 12.17. Talk about future intentions: be going to + V 12.24. Talk about westen festivals
