造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Shandong Folklore Society is a titular academic organization in Shandong University and its Secretariat is located in this research center.(挂靠在山东大学的山东省民俗学会,秘书处也设在该所。)
2、The titular heroine is a successful woman with a distinguished career, but she conveys an essential sadness.(女主人公海蒂是一个成功的女人,有个高雅的职业,但她背负着必要的悲伤。)
3、Seth Rogen co-wrote the screenplay with writing partner Evan Goldberg, and stars, improbably, as the titular hero.(赛斯罗根参与了伊万戈顿伯格的剧本编写,并出演了剧中变了味的英雄。)
4、That titular story, a tale of two women from devastatingly different backgrounds, treading water in the same place, is a near-perfect piece of fiction.(这是一个近乎完美的富有传奇色彩的故事,两个有着天壤之别背景的女人在同一地方过着自由散漫的日子。)
5、Speaking of failure and success, a big part of the film's premise is predicated on the success of the titular inception.(谈及成功与失败,这部影片的大部分都建立在所谓的意识植入会成功的前提上。)
6、And two classics of dystopian fiction, George Orwell's 1984 and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, take not-dissimilar paths to titular greatness.(两部经典的反乌托邦小说,乔治·奥威尔的《1984年》和雷?布莱·伯利的《华氏451度》,同样获得了有名无实的成功。)
7、The titular statue appears to be, in fact, a young man listening to an old fashioned radio, one of the markers of status in 1980s China.(标题里的所谓雕像,实际上是一个在收听老式收音机的青年——这是八十年代标志性的一道文化风景。)
8、He is the titular head of the organization.(他是那个组织名义上的头目。)
9、And of course, let's not forget the titular character Godzilla, which gets an updated look that's more realistic, yet retains the style of the original version.(当然,“巨星”哥斯拉也在保持原版风格的基础上,变得更加真实。)
10、the code of ur-nammu: written and between 2100 and 2050 bce, the code of ur-nammu discusses the legal philosophies of the titular sumerian king.(《乌尔-纳姆法典》(thecodeofur-nammu):写于公元前2100-2050年之间,《乌尔-纳姆法典》论述了名义上的苏美尔国王的法理。)
11、The number of titular riders per team shall be set at 4 minimum and 10 maximum.(每支队伍报名参赛的运动员人数最少4人,最多10人。)
12、It details the titular character, a psychologist, who travels between parallel worlds where the mythologies of our world are the reality.(本书主角与书名同名,是个心理学家,他在两个平行的世界里穿越,神话世界成了现实。)
13、titular king of France from 1793.(1793年起法国有名无实的国王。)
14、Based on some practical examples, some translating methods of such titular attributive clauses are discussed in this p...(本文结合实例,探讨了此类有名无实定语从句翻译的一些具体方法。)
15、The honorary or titular head of a university.(大学名誉校长,大学名义校长。)
16、The legendary hockey mask-wearing, machete-wielding mass murderer Jason Voorhees is back on the big screen in Paramount's retelling of the classic horror film, and on the film's titular date.(大名鼎鼎的杀人狂——头戴曲棍球面具、挥舞着弯刀的杰森·沃赫斯重返大银幕,日期就是电影名字上的那一天。派拉蒙公司翻拍了这部经典恐怖电影,布瑞克·埃斯纳尔担任该片执导。)
17、He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.(他是名义上的首长,仅是偶尔签署法律而已。)
18、The titular song 'Norwegian Wood' sings, 'I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me.(主题曲‘挪威的森林’里唱着‘我曾经拥有过一个女孩,或许该说她曾经拥有过我’。)
19、In addition to the two titular materials, the exterior also features wood paneling, which complements the grayish-white Carrara marble and the dark gray titanium-zinc panels.(除了两种徒有虚名的材料之外,该建筑外表以木镶板为特色,以灰白色卡拉拉大理石和深灰色钛锌板来补充。)
20、He is the titular head of the company.(他名义上是公司的头头。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。