

2022-05-04 来源:汇智旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、that was before europe-wide insolvency arrangements for dealing with multinationals were introduced in 2005.(这在2005年欧洲引入跨国公司破产处理机制前司空见惯。)

2、Raising the retirement age by a year or two can make the difference between the solvency and insolvency of pensions.(退休年龄提高一到两岁能够区别养老金的可以支付以及无力偿还。)

3、Lehman's fear of insolvency was dangerously assuaged.(雷曼对于资不抵债的恐惧缓解了,而这是危险的。)

4、The UK's only helicopter manufacturer was on the brink of insolvency.(英国唯一的直升飞机制造商处于破产的边缘。)

5、Europe's flawed insolvency regimes will face a severe test in 2009.(2009年,欧洲有缺陷的破产制度将面临严峻挑战。)

6、Dealing decisively with the Greek mess means addressing both the lack of competitiveness and the insolvency.(果断地解决希腊的困境意味着要同时解决他乏竞争力和支付力的问题。)

7、For them, the risk of insolvency has been somewhat comprehensively socialised.(对它们来说,资不抵债的风险基本已由社会综揽。)

8、America's public pension scheme is shuffling towards insolvency as the population ages.(随着人口的老龄化,美国民众的养老金计划进展迟缓甚至频临破产。)

9、If markets push them into insolvency, the euro zone would melt down.(若市场变化令其无法偿债,欧元区将解体。)

10、The company is on the verge of insolvency.(该公司快要破产了。)

11、In truth an insolvency was never really on the CARDS.(事实上,破产还从未真正出现过。)

12、Are you really willing to risk national insolvency on the basis of a model?(你真愿意在一种模式的基础上冒国家破产的风险吗?)

13、MUNICH, Germany —At the Munich district court, the insolvency proceedings for DRAM maker officially have begun.(德国慕尼黑消息,慕尼黑地方法院已经开始操作内存公司奇梦达的破产流程手续。)

14、The big Banks still verge on insolvency and they still aren't lending.(大银行仍然徘徊在破产的边缘,他们也不贷款。)

15、insolvency rates across the East Anglia region fell by 53% in the year to March 2010, and by 30% nationally.(直到2010年3月,整个英吉利亚地区的破产率降低了53%,全国范围来看降低了30%。)

16、When people fear mass insolvency, lenders stop lending and the indebted stop spending.(当人们担心出现大量的资不抵债时,贷款机构不再放贷,债务人停止消费。)

17、France's insolvency process was designed to protect companies and jobs, and gives creditors little influence.(法国的破产程序旨在保护公司和就业岗位,对债权人却考虑不多。)

18、The first concerns the risk of insolvency.(第一,破产风险。)

19、In both cases the problem was insolvency, not just a shortage of liquidity.(两者的问题都是资不抵债,而不仅仅是流动性短缺。)

20、Bear's demise also shows how the boundary between illiquidity and insolvency is fast dissolving.(贝尔斯登的转让同样也说明了,非流动性和破产之间的界限在迅速的消融。)

21、British insolvency law has long been supportive of creditors whose debts are secured by companies' assets.(英国破产法一向支持债权人的利益,规定债权由企业资产偿还。)

22、insolvency matters are covered under the Bankruptcy Code.(资不抵债事项由《破产法典》调整。)

23、The cases will test a new insolvency regime which took effect in September 2004.(这些案件将测试2004年9月生效的新偿债制度。)

24、The alternative, as everyone saw with old-line industrial companies like General Motors, is insolvency.(除此之外,像大家看到的通用汽车这样的老牌工业公司就濒临破产。)

25、On February 11, European leaders were discussing the threat of a state insolvency in the eurozone.(2月11日,欧洲领导人还在商讨某个欧元区国家无力偿债的威胁。)

26、This in a state now frantically making cuts to avoid insolvency.(这是该州避免破产减少支出方向。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


